Richly illustrated, this book describes the grandeur and richness of the numerous civilizations predating the Incas, including the Paracas, Nazca, Recuay, Sican-Lambayeque, Moche-Sipan, and Chimu cultures, as well as the great Inca civilization. Included in the book are the important sites and landscapes representative of the three major ecological levels of Peru, as well as a general view and a historical perspective of the pre-Columbian cultures of Peru. Luis Guillermo Lumbreras examines the historical and archaeological context while Fernando de Szyslo presents the viewpoint of a contemporary Peruvian artist. Informative text written by Peruvian specialists in the field introduce each chapter dedicated to each of the pre-Columbian cultures. Two hundred stunning objects--pottery, textiles, and jewelry--illustrate the varied artistic achievements of each ancient culture.